Sunday, March 10, 2013

 And here are a few shots of my low poly.

Look what I started

Alright finally have some work to show again. After a new start at Raven Software up in Madison, WI I have decided to start putting together an Environment Modeling Reel.

My first project for this reel is going to be an old Voigtlander camera to show my ability to bake normals, lay out UVs, and also texture. I have already began the high and low poly and am in the process of laying out the UVs to begin baking normals. I will be back with more posts once I am set to throw everything into Xnormals.

Here are two quick snap shots of the high poly model. I plan on adding in the leather texture on the body of the camera as well as ridges along the edge of the dials. My plan was to use a secondary program for this such as Zbrush or just Photoshop (Any suggestions?)